Loan Periods


Loan Period

Overdue Fines


21 days

$0.20 per day/ $7 max

Books on CD

21 days

$0.20 per day/ $7 max

Music CDs

21 days

$0.20 per day/ $7 max

7-Day Books

7 days

$0.20 per day/ $7 max


7 days

$0.20 per day/ $7 max

Launchpad7 days$0.20 per day/ $7 max
Library of Things7 days$0.20 per day/ $7 max

Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Varies per lender

See ILL Policy

eResources Varies per VendorNo Fines


All library materials may be renewed a maximum of two times as long as no other requests have been placed on the item. Interlibrary items do NOT renew. 

The Fine Print

  • All items are free to check out, though you’ll incur late fees for overdue items.
  • A balance of $30 or more on a library card prevents renewals, additional checkouts and public computer use.
  • Overdue notices are a courtesy to our patrons and are not required by law. Patrons may check the status of their borrowed materials at any time on the library’s website.
  • Parents or legal guardians are responsible for all items, fine and charges on the cards of minor children.

Pay Fees Online

Log into your account to view your fines. Choose the fines you wish to pay and click pay fines. Enter your Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card information in the secure payment form and click pay now. After the payment has been processed, your account will reflect a new balance. An email receipt will be sent within 24 hours of the transaction.