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West Florida Public Libraries offer many great platforms for digital content. Browse each one here or search them all in our catalog

Libby - eBooks and Audiobooks
Access eBooks and audiobooks through Libby. You can also download the Libby app on your mobile device. All you need to get started in Libby is your device and your library card number and PIN number. The Libby app is easy to use and will guide you through the setup process and get you connected to our library in just a few minutes. If you have questions, you can find in-app support, or visit the Help site or Libby Academy within the app for assistance.

Universal Class brings libraries lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs). More than 500 courses are available, and all are designed and led by professional instructors to build deeper understanding and mastery of subject matter. Universal Class includes videos, assignments, quizzes, tests, and options for social media interaction with other learners. Patrons may take multiple classes and learn at their own pace.

EBSCO - eBooks (not downloadable)

Children & Teen Digital Content





Storyline Online


Digital Books